Saturday, August 6, 2011

From Kara...

Thanks to everyone who sent me notes of encouragement and prayers! I'm so glad I went yesterday. Many of you know, I really wanted to be one of the riders in the Race for Congo but it turned out in the end best that it be Mike. So yesterday when I arrived in Polo and picked a spot to wait for them to roll past me, I had a good reality check of just what it's like for the riders...

There was no breeze and high humidity so I was sweating just sitting there. Then I learned that, because the chase vehicle drivers were in desperate need of rest, the team was without a chase vehicle for the day. This meant that the riding team would take the van about 5 miles up the road, park and wait for the rider to catch up, cheer him on, then hop another 5 miles up the road. For those of you know my biking accident history and my tendency towards panic on the road, you'll understand how I felt when Mike said to me on the phone: "we won't have a chase vehicle, honey". And then when I told him that the route we're taking (that I had just driven through) was on a main road, 2 lanes of traffic both ways right through the down town and perhaps we should look for an alternate he said: "We're just going to have to do it, it's what we've been doing all day".


"This is not what I signed up for." was the first thought in my head. I just wanted to ride with my husband with a nice safe chase vehicle protecting us from behind on a nice wide open road with a big fat shoulder. And then God said quietly: "but this is what it takes to do this ride, Kara". Humbled, I hunkered down, prayed and waited for the van.

When Mike and I took off, sure enough we rode right through the down town, at one point had cars on both sides of us while I was letting out loud yelps of "Oh Gosh, oh my!". Soon though we were out on the open rode, however it lacked a shoulder. So we were very close to traffic.

My valiant (and fatigued) husband rode behind me and we biked as fast as we could for 26 miles. At one point he yelled up: "Isn't this GREAT?! We have the best life!!!!". And I yelled back: "we sure do, but I'm hoping it doesn't end when one of these trucks picks us off because they can't see us!"...he yelled back some profound answer about that would be God's timing etc. but I couldn't hear him over the din of the truck that was rumbling past :-) . That's our marriage in a nutshell I guess...Mr. Visionary married to Chicken Little.

When we met up with the van we said a quick and sweaty goodbye as they had to catch up to the rider who was already on his way, pedaling up the road.

Mike thanked me multiple times for coming and passes on his greetings and thanks to everyone for your prayers and support. They've got about 30 hours left, may the awareness they've raised for Congo reach far and wide and be long lasting and effective in bringing about change and hope!


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