Friday, August 5, 2011

Kristi on Compassion...

I biked today, pushing myself harder knowing the riders for Race for Congo were pushing themselves. It's easier to relate to them when I'm trying to push my legs to do more than they want to and it's hot and I'm getting tired. Then a thought crept in, "what if I could understand the life a Congolese woman faces just for a short time by stepping into her world - not just as a visitor, but by sharing her experience?" I know I would come away wanting to tell everyone I could to help, pray, give - do something!

If Greg were killed, my kids either killed or taken to be child soldiers and I was raped, with little hope I would want the world to respond!

This isn't just about giving money! It's about compassion for those who are suffering. We can't just tell ourselves that the problem is to big for one person and go on with our busy schedules, shopping habits, material aspirations and near-sighted view of the world.

Sorry for the ranting.... I struggle myself with knowing how to respond with compassion for people who are 1/2 a world away. It is in this place that God has a lot to teach me!

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